Streamed live from Boop Studios in São Paulo, Brazil, Criolo XR united art and technology for an epic performance hosted by Twitch. The concert featured various virtual production elements, including face tracking, performance capture, an entirely virtual set, AR elements, and live IMAG effects. The concept was pitched to Criolo and Twitch by long term collaborator and music video director Cisma and live show director Tito Sabatini.
The team created different looks for a collection of ten songs using a combination of Unreal and Notch. Tito and Cisma landed on Notch for abstract motion graphic looks and Unreal for realistic foliage. Despite shooting on a small LED stage, the team created the illusion of endless space using set extensions and a wide-angle PTZ camera. Their workflow was a combination of Notch + Unreal + Mosys + PTZ cameras, all running from a disguise media server and streaming in real-time to Twitch.
Notch is insanely fast and intuitive. Our designer, Fernando, was studying for some time but this was his first REAL project using Notch. It was amazing to see him create in real-time and see the visuals come alive. Its integration with disguise is awesome and last-minute changes can be done without stress. We can’t wait for the next project.Tito Sabatini, Director, Duo2
Part of the performance included a live Q&A session, which Criolo attended as an avatar of himself. During the Q&A, the at-home audience hailed the stream as a public service for its creativity and ingenuity.
Full Credits
Production Company
Duo2 + Oloko Records
Creative Direction
Denis Cisma + Tito Sabatini
Notch Designer
Fernando Snake
Danilo Packer
Video Director
Denis Cisma + Tito Sabatini
Musical Director
Daniel Ganjaman
Technical Director
Paul Lewis
Rental Company
Maxi Online
Lighting Designer
Marcos Franja
Screen Producer
Gabriel Weckmuller
Assistant Director
Tata Pierry
Kler Correa + Marieta Scatimburgo
Renato Braga + Bruno Toniolo