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Case Study


MASARY Studios combined sculpture, dance, theatre, sound, and abstract art to create an immersive 360 installation for Boston Ballet.

Earlier this year, Boston Ballet approached MASARY Studios to collaborate on a touring public art piece which could showcase their dance videos within a 360 dome display system and be installed within one day. As the project evolved, ÜNI Public Art became a large-scale public installation featuring lit sculpture and multi-channel surround sound.

MASARY's team began with the idea to add a sculptural pavilion and immersive theatre for dance and abstract media with an overall goal of bringing free, cutting-edge dance to the public. Rather than forcing over-the-top visuals on their audience, they chose a quieter approach, hiding the dome within the rest of the piece and inviting the audience to discover it.

One key to their success was iteration: MASARY tested over forty designs for the overall structure. They trialled dome content through a VR headset before building the structure for an in-person experience. The team then created most of the audio in Ableton Live. They made the visuals using green-screen footage of Boston Ballet dancers, which they pieced together with Adobe Premiere, After Effects, and Notch.

With Notch's native 3D environment, MASARY could maintain a constant conversation with the dome's geometry. They set particles to make procedural decisions and behave according to the logic of the dome. In one scene, for example, they adjusted particle attraction levels, turbulence, and rotation of the 3D hemisphere with a MIDI controller. 

This was my first time using Notch more as a creative suite to export clips rather than perform in real time. While working with particle systems, having the ability to tweak in real time to sound and export quickly probably saved me days of working and waiting.
Sam Okerstrom-Lang, Founder & Notch Designer, MASARY Studios

Additional press coverage:

Forbes, The Boston Globe.

Full Credits


Production Company

Production Design

Creative Direction

MASARY Studios & Boston Ballet

Project Managers

Notch Designer

Structure Designers

MASARY Studios & Caleb Hawkins

Video Director

Lighting Designers

Screen Production


MASARY Studios, Sam Okerstrom-Lang & Ari Weinkle

Sound Creation

MASARY Studios & Ryan Edwards

Sound Mastering


Boston Ballet Artistic Director

Mikko Nissinen

Boston Ballet Chief Marketing Officer

Deborah Moe

ÜNI Design Director & Strategic Advisor

Denise Korn

Site Design


Website Development

Will Jardine

Community Engagement

Justin Springer, Outside the Box Agency

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