‘Virtually Meets Reality’ first aired at the Jardin des Plantes’ giant dome in Paris in April 2020. Created for French software company Dassault Systèmes, the installation explores how virtual worlds can affect human emotions.
Superbien led the Artistic Direction and Video Content. They sought to combine classical music and generative art to create an unforgettable public concert. Superbien produced a unique, sound-reactive universe in Notch that they projection-mapped onto the dome surrounding the performers.
Notch can take in a lot of complexity and make it feel simple to use. Its integration with TouchDesigner made the design process smoother, testable and robust. It allowed us to create diverse visual universes quickly.Nicolas Gazzola, Superbien
The team made Notch Blocks with exposed parameters that enabled them the flexibility they needed when operating the live show in TouchDesigner. Using a custom-made timeline and transition manager, they could process the input music into data values that drove the sound-reactive designs. The 50-minute show, conducted by R.Capuçon and his 3D violin made using Dassault Systemes technologies, was seen live by 3000 people and more than 1.5M online viewers.
Full Credits
Artistic Direction and Video Content
Audio Reactive Systems / Real Time
Dassault Systèmes
Artistic Direction
Emma Rouffi & ERA Conseil
Frédéric Sceau & Le Bureau de Prod
Technical Director
Éric de la Bouteillère
Pierre Bleuse
Les Siècles
Geodesic Dome
Video Technical Support
Modulo Pi
Renaud Gindre & Julien Améaume
Show Caller
Muriel Nedeau
Sound Engineer
Denis Fenninger & Lagoona
Vincent Mongourdain & Camille Palisson
Live Broadcast Technical Support
Live Broadcast Director
Sophie Rajzman / 25 Images
Jardin des Plantes