After being introduced, immersive-me Co-Founder Bertie Sampson and Composer Matthew Ferraro began work on a collaborative project, knowing nothing other than the fact that they wanted to work together. Ferraro showed Sampson compositions he’d been working on based on the theme of water and, as Sampson recalls, they immediately captured his imagination. Collaborating between Los Angeles and London, they slowly started to form an idea.
The team found themselves drawn to an all-encompassing space and strived to use a projection dome. Sampson wanted the visuals to maintain an organic and human feeling, so he contacted Choreographer and Dancer Nikki Watson, with whom he’d worked before on motion-capture projects. Once they had a direction, they reached out to the organisers of Fulldome UK, a Plymouth-based festival dedicated to all things spherical, and secured a performance slot at the Market Hall Dome.