Alter Ego is a generative video installation reflecting on the use of social media and the rise of artificial intelligence in our democracies. Cadie Desbiens-Desmeules turns technology back on itself, hacking Instagram’s API to expose an unfiltered glimpse of human activity before it is skewered by an algorithm. Images posted in real-time under popular hashtags are rearranged to take the form of AI-generated “influencer” faces. Artist Cadie Desbiens-Desmeules shares her design story:
“I work mostly on large scale concert design and immersive installations under the name Push 1 stop. I also work as an independent artist, creating projects like Alter Ego. My artworks often explore the relationship between humans and technology."
“I started this project with the desire to see what people are posting on Instagram, no matter their location, age or gender. Instagram feeds are not instantaneous; they are curated and selected specifically for the viewer to ensure engagement. My goal was to by-pass the algorithm and stream images uploaded to Instagram in real-time, using popular hashtags to find commonalities and differences in what is uploaded.”
“Instagram is a good example of the psychological phenomenons of social validation and social comparison. I wanted to invite the viewer to reflect on the extent to which humans are both intertwined with and sometimes manipulated by technology.”