Last year, the team behind the brand new WNDR Museum approached EFFIXX Studio to develop an immersive experience for their new San Diego location. WNDR Museum Creative Director David Allen gave EFFIXX’s Anthony Ciannamea carte blanche to create work prioritising Ciannamea’s interests and passions. Before the event, EFFIXX knew only that attendees could enter and exit the room freely; in other words, they had just a brief moment to capture people’s imaginations.
With this project, dubbed GOD:TEMPO, Ciannamea wanted to return to his roots in playing music and experimenting with sound in his youth. He wanted to prioritise sound and allow structure, composition, and texture to be the leading force behind the visuals. The EFFIXX team set out to build and exhibit a clock scaling the size of a totally isolated room wherein the audience would be invited to participate in a ritual meditation on the passage of time.