In January 2022, NorthHouse Creative were commissioned by BBC Studios to create a spectacular show for the Queen’s Platinum Party at the Palace with a projection-mapped Buckingham Palace taking centre stage. To create the visuals for the projection show, they combined archive imagery with a range of real-time and rendered motion design, pre-filmed footage, and visual effects. In addition to LED screen visuals, the creative team also designed the BBC Jubilee branding and broadcast graphics.
As lead designer Lydia Caplan explained, NorthHouse used the architecture of Buckingham Palace as a 3D canvas that could be transformed with their design ideas. For Alicia Keys’s performance, the team poured liquid platinum over the Palace. For Diana Ross’s, they swung disco balls around the Palace. When Duran Duran took the stage, the outer walls of the palace “peeled back” and displayed seventy layers of wallpaper inspired by Her Majesty’s styling over the years.