The VMA’s was the first major awards show to broadcast in the US since the pandemic took hold. To create the dynamic virtual hosting stage and the XR components for performances from Black Eyed Peas, Miley Cyrus, and Doja Cat, XR Studios produced the XR filming. Creative content agency Silent Partners chose Notch for their design of the virtual mainstage and Miley Cyrus’s performance.
Notch’s live editing functionality allowed for adjustments during rehearsals, staging, and blocking times during the show filming period. Surrounding the presenter stage were virtual billboards that served as additional content delivery during the show. Notch’s robust integration with external video (using NDI), and external triggers through ArtNet produced a structured and dependable virtual system that replicated and mimicked a traditional “real world” setup. Virtual Doors for entrances, virtual light cues, even swapping out pre-filmed virtual audience members all happened in real-time and were easily accessible to the show running team.
The move to a virtual stage event came pretty late in the process, and we had to turn to tech that we can trust to give us great content on a short turnaround. After the success of the XR performance by Katy Perry on American Idol, Notch was the natural choice for bringing the whole VMA show to life in a virtual setting. Notch offers the perfect combination of high-end real-time rendering quality and usability for designers on tight schedules.Scott Millar, XR Studios
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Full Credits
Video Music Awards, MTV, Paul Caslin
Production Company
XR Studios
Production Design
Julio Himede, Yellow Studio
Creative Direction
Paul Caslin for VMAs, SPS Content Creative Direction by Janicke Morissette, David Fafard, and Claudine Boulanger
Notch Designers
Spencer Sterling, Brett Bolton, Patrick Goski
Video Director
Sam Wrench
Video Producers
Trevor Burke, Visual Noise
Lighting Designers
Tom Sutherland, Jon Kusner
Screen Producer
J.T. Rooney, Silent Partners Studio
Claudine Boulanger, Andréanne Dumont, Loic Surprenant
Equipment Vendor
Fuse Technical Group
Media Server
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