Behind the scenes is an equally adventurous story. The team at MEPTIK immerse Fleurie in underwater and intergalactic scenescapes using XR production design. Using real-time animation and positional data from BlackTrax, Fleurie interacts with the ethereal world around her. MEPTIK’s founders Sarah Linebaugh and Nick Rivero share their design story:
Sarah: “Elle and Fleurie had an idea of the storyline for the video; however, she had a section of the video which she wanted to leave up to us. In the video, Fleurie travels through time and into different fantastical worlds. Elle wanted us to imagine the futuristic world, which we envisioned as a sci-fi tunnel, an underwater scenescape, and a space filled with ethereal light.”
Nick: “This production workflow is an innovation for the creative process. The digital set removes lengthy and expensive post-production processes, and instead allows us to make real-time editing decisions on site. We are saving our clients an enormous amount of time and money with one-and-done captures while offering a new experience for the performer by replacing the empty green void with visuals they can see and believe.”