Just a few weeks ago, Moment Factory opened the doors to their new experience, Miroir Miroir, at Place Bonaventure, Montreal. The experience invites the audience to discover multiple immersive installations centred around the theme of the human mind and the ever-shifting nature of memory. Through a web app, visitors can even contribute a piece of their past to create a single collective memory to accompany the choreography of the synchronised lights within.
Moment Factory began by creating a physical template comprising seventy-two media bars and forty pixel lines in a sixty-foot-wide scaffolding structure. Technical Directors Julien Roberge and Guillaume Cavalière-Beranek previsualised the structure in Cinema 4D, and the creative team imported that model into Notch and used their horizontal and vertical template as a texture map. This way, they could visualise their content on the 3D light fixtures. Using the show's original soundtrack as a style guide for the mood and rhythm, they crafted a nine-minute animation in After Effects.