The Xbox Games Showcase introduced new titles coming to the Xbox Series X console. The stream featured 22 games from nine Xbox Game Studios. Xbox wanted an animated opening sequence that built anticipation for the event, bespoke transition effects and 27 animated 3D maps.
Case Study
Zed Ink and Toy Robot Media create a package of looks for Xbox using Notch’s ray tracing features.
Creative Agency Zed Ink worked with Toy Robot Media to create the package of looks. Taking inspiration from existing Xbox collateral Toy Robot Media create a glossy galactic opening sequence, graphical transition effects and spy-movie inspired map animations.
For the opening sequence countdown, I began using Notch for blocking and tracking in video. I had planned on using Octane for the final render, however, as I started to play with Notch’s ray tracing features, I found the quality and speed exceptional. I decided to use Notch for the whole pipeline.Mike Moore, Notch Designer, Toy Robot Media
With over 13 thousand frames to render in 4k, they chose Notch as their content creation and rendering tool.