Project Description

Pacha Ibiza Immersive Club Experience

UNIT9 used Notch to revitalise the iconic Pacha Ibiza with groundbreaking visual systems that set a new standard for the club experience.

In 2024, famed nightclub Pacha Ibiza, synonymous with electronic music and Ibiza culture for over fifty years, sought to refresh its space, making it more immersive with visually arresting new content for their LED screens. Pacha Group brought on UNIT9 to help fine-tune their ideas and, ultimately, bring them to life.

The creative team wanted to seamlessly integrate visuals with the music, creating a multi-sensory environment where screens enhanced rather than distracted from the overall experience. It was vital for music to be at the heart of it all—and for everything else to be driven by the music in real time.

UNIT9 turned to Notch from the outset, looking to generate animations driven by the sounds created by resident DJs and the physical movements of the club’s famous podium dancers. The team wanted to give Pacha a flexible system that would never repeat itself, creating an experience that could stand the test of time.

They developed a custom-built content management system that allows video to be mapped onto their virtual content rendered in real time with Notch. The system provides the club’s VJs with a vast library of mapped 3D scenes—all activated via stream deck at the touch of a button. This way, VJs can continually bring new video media into the club and display it in audio-reactive 3D animations that respond in real time with endless variety.

“Using Notch 1.0 allowed us to render massive, perfectly aligned particle simulations. It’s changed the game when it comes to large projects like this.”

Sean Pruen, Creative Director, UNIT9

Additional press coverage:
Little Black Book, UNIT9.

Client: Pacha Group
Production Company: UNIT9 
Creative Direction: Sean Pruen
Executive Producer: Martino Butti
Producer: Adi Wiedersheim

Tech Director: Mark Logue
Hardware Lead: Hugh Boys

Notch Designer: Lorenzo Venturini
Notch Designer: Quentin Bozon
Notch Designer: Harrison Mead
Technical Consultant: Pod Bluman