First, the team developed a highly stylised world tinted in yellow resembling the artwork for Kelly’s latest album, B.O.A.T.S. They also created several photorealistic 3D environments–similar to a virtual production stage–for the band to stand within. To unify and add to their ideas, ST. ROBO crafted both standalone and integrated video effects, some of which they pre-rendered and some of which they made in real time.
For the 3D environments, ST. ROBO programmed different lights to match the onstage physical lights. The crew rendered their more graphical material in After Effects and combined it with Notch. They used the Background Removal extensively and focused on amalgamating the project’s diverse layers as seamlessly as possible.
The show paired perfectly with Kelly’s experienced songwriting and knack for performance, and the audience appreciated the complexity of the layered setups and visual effects. As Creative Director Philip Hillers of ST. ROBO noted, their team’s entire workflow has changed since being able to integrate the onstage artist into their screen looks using Notch.